Department(s): Communications


Exec. Portfolio: Policy, Assets Dept., Art and Education Dept., Communication Dept.

Portfolio: Communications, Shared Emails, Office 365 Administration, Media Relations, Board Chair, Brand Consistency.

Active Since: 2013

Theatre has been part of Mark’s life since early grade school, where he embraced the stage for the first time as Dracula in a youth production at Brooklyn District Elementary School. Mark continued to jump under the lights throughout high school and Mount Allison University, working with Garnet and Gold Musical Theatre Society and helping launch and develop the first three years of Black Tie Productions. Mark joined QAAW as part of the inaugural performance of Act 1: Scene 1 of the original musical Glory Days. He revived his role of Daniel Winkworth ten years later for the third full production of this original musical about Windsor’s historic great fire in 1897. In 2013, Mark joined the board of directors for QAAW and has been active ever since, holding the position of treasurer for many years, and recently having taken over as President. Mark has been involved with over 25 QAAW productions in roles from on-stage, lighting, set building, sound engineer, and marketing. Mark’s directorial debut was with Quick As A Wink’s Oklahoma! in 2014, and he has since directed or produced seven productions for QAAW. Mark’s passion for theatre is matched only by his passion for processes and systems, which he has employed throughout his time on the board of directors, first leading the re-branding project, then launching online purchasing and season ticket options, refreshing the Winkie Awards into a black tie gala hosted by Mark and Mike Butler, developing the Community Partnership program with local businesses, and implementing an organizational structure and internal communication model. His love of theatre will keep him in a role with Quick As A Wink for many years.




Department(s): Marketing


Exec. Portfolio: Policy, Marketing Dept., IT Systems Administration

Portfolio: Marketing, Office 365 Administration, Video Archiving

Active Since: 2017

David has been an active board member with Quick As A Wink Theatre Society since 2017 and has been involved with many aspects of theatre life including directing, producing, set design, videography, photography, and much more. Currently serving as vice-president, David is also overseeing the marketing department and looking into ways to broaden QAAW’s reach through online and traditional means. Like most of his theatre family, he is looking forward to the return of live theatre where talented artists both on stage, and off, can entertain and bring a smile to the audience.




Department(s): Sales


Exec. Portfolio: Policy, Sales Dept., Financial Reporting

Portfolio: Front of House Systems, Ticket Sales, Season Tickets, Preview Shows, Online Sales.

Active Since: 2019

Since the beginning, Yvonne could often be found in the audience at QAAW shows with her family. Then, her friend Jan asked if she’d like to volunteer as a Front of House staff member. She then moved into sharing the Front of House Manager role with Jan. She also started taking on more of the administrative tasks for show prep. In 2019, she joined the board, so that she could help with the development of new sales ideas. Her organizational skills have come in handy with the progression of the Sales Department, developing tools to help with Front of House show setup and processing of patrons. She says that you will never see her on the stage, but enjoys greeting friends of the theatre, old and new.