Expense Reimbursement Form

This form must be filled out before QAAW Board of Directors will issue cheques.  Receipts must be received, in person, by a QAAW Board Member, a show's Producer, or the Bookkeeper for QAAW.  Once you fill out this form and submit your receipts, a QAAW representative will verify the claim and issue a cheque.  

Cheques will be issued once receipts and expense forms are received and approved.  

Please fill out all information.  Forms without complete information may not be accepted for reimbursement.

Please note: if you have bought something in bulk (paint, material, nails, etc), any and all unused product belongs to QAAW and must be returned as such to a QAAW representative as listed above.  We cannot issue cheques for full amounts of bulk product without receipt of the unused product.

Thank you for your continued support of Quick As A Wink Theatre Society.  We could not exist without the hard work and dedication of our volunteers.

There are two forms you can choose from: one is for Production Related Expenses (the shows themselves for costumes, props, sets, etc), and the other is for General Expenses (mainly used by Board Members, Committee Chairs, and Employees for committee/special event related expenses).